Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Generally Aloe Vera is a very safe plant to use. However, the latex or sap can be irritant and purgative, so it is removed during the processing. Inferior brands of gel are sometimes made from poor grade Aloe Vera and therefore look for the Seal of Approval on the label.

  • The yellow sap can be irritant, avoid contact with the skin.
  • Care should be taken not to exceed the recommended dose.
  • Although Aloe Vera can alleviate the discomfort of haemorrhoids (piles), it can also exacerbate it, so use it with caution, especially if you are using it internally.
  • Seek medical advice before taking Aloe Vera if you have a history of liver or gall bladder problems, cystitis or uterine haemorrhage.
  • Do not take internally during pregnancy or if breastfeeding because of laxative effects.

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