Monday, September 22, 2008


The delicate area around the eyes deserves special care - having few oils or sweat glands, skin around the eyes is the first to show aging , and is very sensitive to incorrect handling or neglect.

Eye muscles are constantly moving, even during sleep,and facial expressions like squinting and frowning stress the thin, sensitive skin, as do lack of sleep, poor diet, hormonal changes, allergies and too vigorous makeup application and removal.

Despite its relative inability to retain moisture, the delicate skin of the eye also cannot tolerate over-rich creams and will react quickly with puffiness, whiteheads sensitivity and irritation.

Simple, old fashioned remedies are surprisingly effective. Treat your 'windows of the soul' to a little care and attention. Stress, travel, harsh lighting and glare as well as long hours at the computer exact their toll in the form of 'bags', dark circles, bleary red eyes and a dull, tired appearance.

Basic eye compresses made from cooled chamomile tea bags are excellent for reducing puffiness and brightening the eyes.

The Simplest Pick-Me-Up Eye Treatment
  • 2 chamomile tea bags
  • 8 oz (240ml) spring water

Bring the water to boil, pour over the tea bags in a large cup, steep for one minute, remove tea bags and place them in the freezer for five minutes while you sip the tea. Place the tea bags over your eyes, lie back and relax. This quick, simple treatment is guaranteed to totally destress you and bring a lively sparkle to your eye!!


A soothing and restorative gel for face, neck and eyes. For all skin types.

  • 4 oz (120ml) aloe vera gel
  • 2 oz (60ml) chamomile tea, cooled
  • 2 0z (60ml) green tea, cooled
  • 1 tsp xanthan gum powder
  • 1 tsp grapefruit seed extract
  • 12 drops Roman chamomile PURE ESSENTIAL OIL

As the chamomile tea and green tea are cooling, stir in the xanthan gum powder. Add the aloe vera gel and chamomile essential oil, and sitr the mixture occasionally until cool. Refrigerate briefly if desired. Apply the gel whenever you feeling eye strain or tiredness. After 5 - 10 minutes, rinse off with cool water.

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