Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Cut a leaf as close to the main stem as possible and preferably from the base of the plant where the leves are the oldest and the most potent. The plant will seal itself and suffer no damage.

To use the leaf, wash it well and slice it in half lengthwise. Apply it as it is, gel side on the area to be treated, or remove the gel taking care to avoid the prickly skin.

Some people prefer to let the gel drain into a container in order to avoid contamination from the yellow sap, which can be irritant. The sap will stay in the outer skin if it is not scraped.

To eat a little gel, peel off the outer leaf and wash off its yellow sap (this tastes bitter and may cause a mild stomach upset but it will do no lasting barm). The gel below this layer has a vaguely "plantish" but fairly neutral taste.

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