Escapism is all important to the spa concept. However, while spas offer a one-in-a-while retreat, not many of us can manage to book into a hydro, so creating a sanctuary within your own space is the key to long-term stress survival. Aromatherapy oils, indulgent scrubs, scented candles and a pile of fluffy towels can do wonders for the soul, not to mention your hands . With a little imagination, a spa moment can happen at any time in any place.

Soak hands in a herbal or floral infusion, such as lavender, neroli or geranium, to revitalize and reduce fatigue

Wash and scrub hands using an indulgent soap or suitable handwash. If your hands are grimy and stained, scrub them gently with a bristle nailbrush. Gently dry each nail in turn with a fluffy towel.

Gently ease away stress and strain by treating yourself to a gentle reflexology massage (see previous post). Or, follow the basic massage guide on coming post.

Make your own hand and foot scrub by combining one cup of sea-salt, one cup of massage oil or olive oil, and six drops of stimulating essential oil. Gently rub this over your hands to remove rough skin and boost circulation.

Apply hand lotion and massage into hands and arms to finish off your spa treat.

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