Although not a substitute for professional treatment, gentle, generalized foot massage techniques are suitable for home use,too. Stretching and loosening the feet will improve local circulation and promote relaxation. Using steady,fairly firm pressure,you may locate tender spots on the feet. Treat these gently and do not press too hard or for too long as this can produce a strong reaction in the affected area of the body.

Massage each toe in turn using your thumb, then flex and extend gently. Twist foot sideways to stretch all the muscles.

Holding the top of the foot with one hand. Cup the heel in the other hand and use the top hand to flex and extend the foot to loosen the joints.

Ease out tension in the lateral arch by holding the foot with one hand on each side, and stretching across the top of the foot.

Knead and rub across the top and the sole of the foot, about 2.5cm (1in) away from the toes.

Apply gentle pressure to the solar plexus reflex - found between the big toe and the next toe, just below the large pad beneath the big toe. Pressing this point on both feet simultaneously is effective.

Hold the feet by resting your hands on top of them for a few minutes.
- Stimulate the brain: press all over the pad of your big toe.
- Sinus headache: squeeze the sides and back of each of your toes.
- Forehead headache (probably been brought on by general tiredness): press just below the big toenail. Another point for general stress and headache relief is located four finger widths below the knee, outside the shinbone.
- Shoulder tension/pain: pinch, press and gently hold the point between the bases of the fourth and fifth toes for a count of five.
- General stress relief: the main pressure point is on the top of your foot where the big toe and second toe meet. Putting pressure on this point will also relieve headaches.
- Insomnia: massage the point four finger-widths above the anklebone, on the inside of the leg, close to the shinbone.
- Indigestion, heartburn and nausea: rub the spot situated between the second and third toes, where the bones meet on the top of your foot.
- Nausea: thumb-walk over the entire area of the foot arch, which is linked to the abdomen. Concentrate on any tender areas, kneading them gently with your thumb. Then work the solar plexus area; this is just below the pads beneath the big and second toe. Try getting a partner to take both of your feet together and to press firmly on the solar plexus area as you inhale, and then release as you breathe out. Repeat this several times until the nausea is relieved.
- Neck strain: walk your thumb up the outside edge of the underside of the big toe. Repeat on the same part of each toe on both feet. Then walk your thumb along the ridge immediately under the toes.
- Irritability: firmly massage the solar plexus area (see point 8) on both feet at the same time. Then move your thumb down and 2.5cm (1in) across toward the baby toes to stimulate the area, which represents your liver.
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