A foot massage can be performed at any time or as part of your home pedicure. If you are using massage oil or lotion, a towel will come in handy to protect the floor
and furniture. Follow these steps for a simple DIY massage.

Rub oiled or creamed hands vigorously to warm them before starting your massage.

Gentle stroking stimulates the circulation and boosts lymphatic drainage. Starting on the top of the foot, begin a slow, firm stroking motion with your hands. Begin at the tips of the toes and slide all the way to the ankle, then retrace your steps to the toes with a lighter stroke. Repeat five times.

Next, stroke the top of the foot with your thumbs, starting at the base of the toes and moving over top of instep while fingers move from the ball of the foot, over the arch, to the heel and back again. Use long firm strokes, slightly pressing with your thumbs as you go. Repeat five times.

Starting with the big toe, gently stroke each toe using an upward movement, sliding your fingers to the top and back to the base.

Hold the foot beneath the ankle, cupping the heel. Holding the toe with your thumb on top and index finger beneath and starting at the base of the toe, slowly and firmly pull or lift the toe, sliding your fingers to the top and back to the base. Repeat with each toe, gently squeezing and rolling the toe between your thumb and index fingers while working your way to the tip and back to the base.

Hold foot behind the ankle, cupping under the heel. Using the heel of your other hand, push hard as you slide along the arch from the ball of the foot toward the heel and back again. This releases tension in the inner and outer arches. Repeat a few times. Slightly firmer pressure is preferable here.

Hold the foot behind the ankle, cupping it to brace the foot and leg. Grasp the ball of he foot with one hand and turn the foot slowly at the ankle a few times in each direction. Press gently on the solar plexus pressure point (between the big toe and the next toe, just below the large pad beneath the big toe). Gently press into this point and repeat a few times, moving down toward the heel and back again.

Repeat step 1 to complete the foot massage. Then repeat all steps on other foot.
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