Reflexology has been used to treat a number of common ailments, including back pain, digestive problems, migraine, menstrual problems, sinus problems and general stress and tension. Apart from helping to reduce pain, it is of considerable benefit in stress-related ailments. It is useful as a diagnostic aid, as tender reflex points can help locate areas of dysfunction. Although no substitute for a professional treatment, gentle, generalized foot massage techniques suitable for home use help to maintain good health. Arrange for your partner to be warm and comfortable, sitting with feet raised, ideally almost as high as your shoulders so that your arms will not tire.

Use your left hand as a support for the right foot, your right hand for the left foot. Cup the heel of the foot firmly so it rests in your hand, curving your fingers around the outside of the heel. Grasp the top of the foot near the base of the toes, thumb underneath and fingers on top. Use the top hand to flex and extend the foot to loosen up the joints

Flex the foot, gently easing the heel toward you so that the Achilles tendon is stretched. Repeat a few times on each foot.

Position your hands so the base of each palm lies above the side of the heel, behind the anklebone. Cup your hands over the ankle joint.

Move your hands quickly back and forth in opposite directions to each other, shaking the foot from side to side until the foot feels relaxed.

Hold the foot from the inside using both hands, fingers on top, thumbs on the sole. The hand closest to the toes will twist and work up and down while the other hand remains still. Work in small stages along the length of the foot.

Grasp the foot in both hands, with your hands clasped one on top of each other, and wring gently (as you would a wet towel), hands twisting in opposite directions. Move your hands gradually up the foot, wringing the entire length as you go.

Massage each toe in turn, beginning with the big toe. Hold the base of the toe close to the base joint, with your thumb below and your index and third finger on top. Gently lift the toe in its joint, rotating clockwise then anti-clockwise a few times.

Place the tips of your thumbs on the solar plexus reflex; press and release a few times. This point, a collection of nerve fibres that controls the digestive organs, is located between the big toe and the next toe. Note that pressing on both feet at the same time is more effective.

Flex the toes backward while supporting the heel, then rotate the foot in a circle, first clockwise a few times, then anti-clockwise. To finish, hold the feet by resting the hands gently on top of them for a few moments.
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