Massage is the ultimate feel-good destressor,great for relaxing tired muscles and improving circulation. Here are some basic DIY massage techniques to tone and stretch your muscles, boost circulation and limber up your joints.

Rub on some moisturizing cream or add a few drops of a pure essential oil to a carrier oil, such as almond oil. Rub your palms together briskly to create warmth, then spread the oil over each hand, rubbing the palm of one hand over the back of the other, as if you were washing your hands.

Using the thumb and index finger of one hand, work the other palm and upper hand in circular kneading motions. Next, grasp each finger and gently pull from the joint to the fingertips, finishing off by massaging the knuckles. Repeat on the other hand.

Place four fingers of your right hand on the back of the left hand, keeping the right thumb free to work on your left palm. Bend the thumb, and in a rotating movement gently press the thumb clockwise or anticlockwise, moving over the entire palm of the left hand as you work. Repeat with the left thumb on the palm of the right hand.

With fingers outstretched and intertwined, slide the fingers of one hand firmly up and down the other, with palms facing. Slowly turn the palms outward, stretching your arms in front of you for an easy stretch.

With the index and middle fingers of your right hand, gently 'milk' each finger as if you were milking a cow. Begin closer to the knuckle and gently but firmly pull, squeeze and work your way down to the tips of each finger. Repeat, using the fingers of your left hand to massage your right hand.

Massage the left elbow and forearm with the fingers of your right hand, using circular movements from the elbow all the way down to the wrist. Knead the outer muscle of the forearm, working slowly up and down the arm. Repeat on the right arm. To complete the massage, release and shake out your hands as if you were drying your nails.

Oils help to provide lubrication for your massage.

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