botanical name Ocimum basilicum
family Lamiaceae
The leaves of this popular culinary herb are used for their sweet, refreshing aroma and flavour. Basil essential oil is distilled from the whole plant.
properties analgesic, antibacterial, anti fungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, digestive tonic, expectorant, nervous system regulator, purifier, stimulant
uses body eases indigestion, sinus congestion, arthritis, tired muscles
mind alleviates anxiety, fear, jealousy, indecision, confusion, exhaustion
spirit enhances inspiration and gives spiritual protection
cautions always use the essential oil following the recommended dosage, do not use the oil during pregnancy
Clary sage
botanical name Salvia sclarea
family Lamiaceae
The hardy herb is found in most parts of the world. It has broad, wrinkled leaves and long stalks that bear small blue, pink or white flowers. The essential oil is distilled from the dried plant and is used in eau de Cologne and lavender water as well as muscatel wines and vermouth.
properties anti fungal, anti-infectious, detoxicant, antispasmodic, decongestant, regenerative, euphoric, aphrodisiac, relaxant, sedative, tonic
uses body helpful for females with reproductive problems, relaxes spasms in asthma
mind relieves extreme fear, panic, post-natal depression
spirit encourages vivid dreams and dream recall
cautions prolonged inhalation of the essential oil may cause drowsiness, avoid during pregnancy, avoid alcohol consumption before and after use
botanical name Coriandrum sativum
family Umbelliferae
Native to Europe and Asia, this herb has bright green, delicate leaves, with dainty whitish-pink flowers. The fresh leaves (known by their Spanish name, cilantro, in the United States) are used in cooking and in medicinal infusions. The small seeds are dried and used in cooking, crushed to form spice, or distilled to produce the essential oil.
properties antispasmodic, anti rheumatic, digestive, euphoric, stimulant, tonic, warming
uses body cases arthritis, sprains, strains, muscle spasms
mind relieves worry, anxiety, depression
spirit encourages inner peace and creativity
cautions the essential oil is a possible skin irritant, use only in recommended amounts, can also be stupefying in large doses
botanical name Foeniculum vulgare
family Umbelliferae
This perennial herb from the Mediterranean has dark-green feathery leaves and clusters of small yellow flowers. The essential oil, which is distilled from the seeds, has a sweet aniseed-like aroma.
properties analgesic, antibacterial, anti fungal, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, digestive, laxative
uses body promotes milk flow, eases menstrual pains, menopause symptoms and ovary problems
mind relieves insecurity and pessimism
spirit inspires courage and creative self-expression
cautions use only in recommended dosages, avoid if suffering from epilepsy or if pregnant
botanical name Origanum marjorana
family Lamiaceae
Sweet marjoram is a popular culinary herb and has a reputation for promoting longevity. The plant grows mainly in the Mediterranean regions and has tiny white or pink flowers: the oil is distilled from the plant's leaves and flowers.
properties analgesic, antibacterial, anti-infectious, antispasmodic, digestive stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, tonic, calming, strongly sedative, warming
uses body relieves coughs, cold sores, intestinal spasms, heartburn, colic, muscle spasms, and sprains
mind eases grief, anger, moodiness, insomnia
spirit promotes a sense of calm and inner strength
cautions avoid the essential oil during pregnancy and if asthmatic, do not use for depression
botanical name Melissa officinalis
family Lamiaceae
Also known as lemon balm, melissa is a small herb with tiny white flowers that originates from southern Europe. A daily drink of tea prepared from the fresh leaves is supposed to encourage longevity. When leaves re distilled they produce a pale oil with a crisp, lemony scent.
properties antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiviral, calming and sedative
uses body relieves painful periods, vomiting, nervous indigestion
mind eases grief, tension headaches, insomnia, hysteria, panic, anxiety
spirit brings understanding and awareness
cautions do not expose the skin to sunlight or a sunbed or two hours after using the essential oil, pure melissa oil is difficult to obtain and some cheaper brands contain skin irritants
botanical name Mentha piperita
family Lamiaceae
This small herb has dark-green leaves with serrated edges and small purplish flowerish from which its essential oil is distilled. Peppermint's medicinal qualities have long been appreciated, and the essential oil is a handy first aid standby.
properties analgesic, antibacterial, anti fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti migraine, antispasmodic,insect repellent, reproductive stimulant
uses body eases indigestion, nausea, travel sickness, diarrhoea, clears congestion, relieves bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis and colds
mind alleviates anger, guilt, apathy, mental fatigue, depression, inability to concentrate, shock spirit revitalizes the inner-self, increases ability to digest new experiences
cautions use the essential oil sparingly, keep to recommended dilution, avoid during pregnancy, a strong mental stimulant - avoid at bedtime
botanical name Rosmarinus officinalis
family Lamiaceae
Native to the Mediterranean regions, this aromatic evergreen shrub has needle-shaped leaves and pale blue flowers. It has a rich history of both culinary and medicinal use. The essential oil is obtained from the flowers and leaves.
properties analgesic, antibacterial, anti fungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, cleansing, detoxicant, digestive, diuretic, sexual tonic, stimulant, warmimg
uses body useful in the treatment of respiratory problems, rheumatic and muscular pain, arthritis, congestive headaches, constipation, indigestion and poor circulation
mind eases depression, and mental exhaustion through overwork, improves memory
spirit opens the heart, increases sensitivity, creativity and awareness of inner potential cautions avoid using the essential oil during pregnancy or if suffering from epilepsy or from high blood pressure, a strong mental stimulant - avoid at bedtime
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