Tuesday, December 23, 2008


above: Use scents to conjure up thoughts of holiday and far-away places. Vaporize a few drops of frankincense oil combined with lavender oil to create a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere - one that is just right for dreaming.

Modern life is busy and stressful; make time to sit or rest quietly for a few moments each day, close your eyes, breathe slowly and let your mind go. To further help you, experiment with fragrances such as myrrh, frankincense and sandalwood, whose very names conjure up mysterious and exotic other worlds that are far from the everyday.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the smoky and mysterious aroma of myrrh was particularly pleasing to the gods. Like frankincense, myrrh heightens an awareness of higher levels of consciousness. Use when you are agitated: its cooling fragrance will help put everyday worries into perspective.

Valued as highly as gold, frankincense was one of the gifts of the Kings to Jesus. The vapour is balsamic and spicy, with a warming and calming effect. Frankincense deepens and slows the breath, thus helping the mind and body to relax and producing a heightened awareness of the spiritual realm.

Sandalwood is probably the oldest known perfume in history, with more than 4,000 years of recorded use. Prized in India, the wood was used to build temples, carved into icons, and burned as incense. This musky, exotic aroma facilitates meditation and is favoured by yogis to encourage a contemplative state.

All three of these perfumes can be used separately or in combination. Try burning them as incense, or vaporize the oils in a burner.

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