Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Embarrassing and unsightly skin conditions can be improved by following a healthy diet and a regular skin-cleansing routing using suitable products. The important thing is to follow both of these recommendations if you want to see positive, lasting results.

Regular cleansing and moisturizing your face will keep your complexion at its best.

Lifestyle Changes
A good starting point is to make a record of your dietary intake each day for a week. By studying this, you will be able to make any necessary adjustments. Try substituting fresh fruit for crisps and chocolate, or fresh juices and/or mineral water for carbonated, sugary drinks. At the same time, monitor improvements to your skin.

If you support yourself by taking aromatherapy baths to relieve stress and follow the skin-cleansing regime below, you should see visible results within a week. If you do not, it may be because the diet and/or care treatments have not been strictly followed. Remember, too, that acne is often worse just before menstruation, and that teenage acne usually subsides by the early twenties.

Daily Skincare Routine
To see immediate improvement to the skin, a five minute skincare routine should be established and carried out twice a day. Essential oils added to unperfumed creams or lotions can be useful for treating difficult skin conditions and to help with the added emotional difficulties of low self-confidence. With perseverance (and improved lifestyle habits), this routine has proved to be extremely effective. Once the skin begins to improve, stress is reduced and a positive, rather than a negative, cycle is created.

Cleanse the skin with a light, water-soluble cleansing milk. Make your own by blending 1 drop each of rosemary, lavender and geranium oils into 30ml (2 tbsp) base lotion. Rinse off with cold water.

Make a gentle, purifying mask by adding 2 drops each of cedarwood, juniper and lemon essential oils to 30ml (2 tbsp) base cream. Apply to face and leave for ten minutes. Rinse off thoroughly with cold water.

Add 3 drops each of lemon and geranium oils to 50ml (2fl.oz) distilled water. Wipe over the face and neck as a tonic. Follow with a moisturizing lotion mixed with 2 drops of hazelnut oil.

Problem Skin
The hormonal changes of puberty lead to increase production of sebum by the sebaceous glands in the skin. From the normal, peach-like skin of childhood, a young woman may find her skin (particularly on her face) changing in texture. The pores become enlarged and more open and the skin becomes oily - particularly on the forehead and in a "T-panel" leading down the nose and on to the chin. These open pores are a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to spots, pimples and blackheads, which is why a regular and effective skin-cleansing routine becomes so important.

A spotty skin can become a problem if it develops into acne (Acne vulgaris). This is a medical condition and requires special care.

The feet are prone to patches of dry, rough, skin. Moisturizing your feet on a regular basis will help to keep them smooth and soft.

Drinking plenty of water can vastly improve your overall health and vitality.

Teenage Care
Acne is caused when excessive amounts of sebum form a blockage at the skin's surface on the face, shoulders and back. Cysts, blackheads and red pustules develop, which can lead to pockmark scars. It is difficult to improve the skin once these scars appear.

The rise in the incidence and severity of teenage acne seems to be connected with some aspects of today's modern culture. Insufficient fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet, chemical additives in food, and air pollution all cause a toxin overload which puts extra strain on the body. Taking good care of your skin and body will really help.

Tips For Healthy Skin

  • Stick to a suitable daily skincare routine.
  • Exercise for half an hour three times a week.
  • Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Drink 6-8 glasses of mineral water a day.

Regular steam inhalations with juniper can help clear blocked pores or blackheads.

Stomach ache or period pains can be treated by applying a compress using basil, lavender and sweet marjoram. A piece of soft cotton or linen soaked in a water-oil mix makes a good compress.

Aromatherapy In Adolescence

The actual rate at which children grow up varies greatly and there can be several years difference in the age at which individual children reach puberty. With the advent of puberty, both health and emotional pattern begin to change. The pituitary gland, responsible for the body's physical growth, begins to release hormones which stimulate the ovaries or testicles to produce eggs or sperm. As soon as these hormonal changes begin to take place, the girl starts to become young woman and the boy a young man.

For a girl, one of the more obvious signs of becoming a young woman is marked by her developing breasts and by the onset of her periods. This can be a difficult time as she either adjusts to the physical changes that are taking place, or worries because they are happening too fast or not fast enough. Essential oils can be extremely useful to alleviate some of the physical discomforts and emotional aspects often associated with puberty and menstruation.

Being a teenager is not always easy. Hormone imbalances can lead to extreme mood swings and problems with both the hair and the skin.

The teenage years are typically turbulent times. A girl's body is rapidly growing and changing in new and startling ways, and her hormones are likely to be affecting both her body and her mood. Hormonal changes trigger an imbalance of sebum in the skin (usually increasing the amount produced), which can lead to greasy skin and hair. This can be awkward at a time when a young woman is becoming aware of her appearance, and of the effect she has on the opposite six, and feelings of inadequacy are common. The associated emotions of anxiety, resentment, fear and jealousy can all increase stress levels and trigger further reactions in the hair, skin and/or nails.

Essential oils can be very useful both in alleviating unsettled emotional states and treating the skin and hair problems themselves. Aromatherapy, used correctly, forms just one part of a holistic approach of health, and this approach should take into account the girl's nutrition and lifestyle habits, as well as any stressful or worrying external circumstances or events in her life, before the essential oils can be chosen. Now that she is no longer a child, a teenager needs to feel in control of her life, and looking after her health is a good way to begin.

Receiving a shoulder massage is a pleasant and effective way of relieving stress and tension in the neck and shoulders. Ask a friend to gently rub and knead any knotty or tight areas.

Stress And Anxiety
Apart from the changes taking place within her own body, life in the outside world can also be problematic for today's teenager. External circumstances, which are beyond her control, can be difficult to manage. If a parent change a job, for example, the family may have to move house and area. This means a new teacher, and no immediate friends - all at a time when the academic workload is increasing and exams are becoming a reality. School may also be stressful because of bullying. This affects many teenagers, who exist in a perpetual state of fear and feel they are unable to talk to anyone about it.

There may also be problems within the family: heavy arguments between parents, between the teenager and her parents, or between siblings. For example, teenagers may feel rivalry or jealousy towards a brother or sister who seems to be given more of a parent's love and attention, and receives special treats and favours.

Growing up involves finding out who you are and having your own ideas and opinions. Problems can arise when parents and their teenage daughter don't see eye-to-eye, and angry fights at home become a routine part of life. Teenagers face strong peer pressure to conform to current trends.

Whatever the reason for stress or anxiety, however, there are numerous relaxing or sedative essential oils which can help. These are best used in the bath, or, for more immediate results, by inhalation (see previous post).

Experiment with adding oils to your own skin creams and see which combinations work best.

Now is a good time to start a daily beauty regime and have fun taking care of yourself.

Friday, December 26, 2008


Black Pepper
botanical name Piper nigrum
family Piperaceae
Cultivated in India and Malaysia, the ripe red berries of this climbing vine are picked and dried, turning them black. Peppercorns are used both whole and ground or distilled to produce the essential oil.

properties analgesic, antidepressant, expectorant

uses body relieves coughs, colds, poor circulation
mind eases suppressed anger, relieves indifference
spirit brings courage, renews enthusiasm

cautions can cause skin irritation

botanical name Cinnamomum zeylanicum
family Lauraceae
The inner bark of this tropical tree is dried to produce quills of cinnamon spice. Both the leaves and the bark produce an essential oil.

properties anti fungal, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, circulatory stimulant, digestive

uses body revives sluggish digestive, lymphatic and/or circulatory system, helps fight infections of the skin
mind relieves mental fatigue and aids concentration
spirit awakens the body and mind

cautions the bark oil cannot be used on the skin, the leaf oil can be but in concentrations of 0.5 per cent or less, avoid during pregnancy

botanical name Syzgium aromaticum
family Myrtaceae
Native to the Molucca Islands, the brilliant red flower buds of this slender, evergreen tree turn red-brown when dried. The essential oil is distilled from the buds, leaves and stalks, and the dried buds are used in infusions and cooking.

properties analgesic, antibiotic, anaesthetic, antispasmodic, antioxidant, antiseptic, antiviral

uses body useful as preventive treatment for colds and flu, clears blocked sinuses
mind eases mental fatigue and mental restlessness, assists concentration
spirit promotes sense of well being

cautions can irritate the skin and mucous membranes, use the oil in low concentrations, as a vaporizer, avoid use during pregnancy

botanical name Eucalyptus globulus
family Myrtaceae
Native to Australia, the leaves of these trees have traditionally been smoked to alleviate asthma, and bound onto wounds to help them heal. The essential oil is distilled from the leaves.

properties analgesic, anti-infectious, antiseptic, decongestant, digestive stimulant

uses body fevers, infectious illness, respiratory conditions, coughs, colds
mind extreme mood swings, mental exhaustion, poor concentration
spirit creates a feeling of freedom and space

cautions do not use with young children, or if suffering from high blood pressure or epilepsy, do not use in higher concentration than 1 per cent, may counteract homeopathic remedies

botanical name oswellia carteri
family Burseraceae
These pink-flowering trees grow in north-east Africa and Arabia. The tree exudes a white serum, which solidifies on exposure to the air. These solid "tears" are distilled for their oil.

properties analgesic, antiseptic, anticatarrhal, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, energizing

uses body relieves asthma and respiratory tract disorders, rejuvenates aging skin
mind eases anger, anxiety, nervous tension
spirit awakens the soul to higher levels of consciousness

cautions no known contraindications

botanical name Zingiber officinale
family Zingiberaceae
Native to Asia, the essential oil is distilled from the creeping rhizome of this herb, which is also used both fresh and dried in the kitchen.

properties analgesic, anticatarrhal, digestive stimulant, expectorant, general and sexual tonic

uses body reduces flatulence, constipation, warms stiff joints
mind combats self-doubt, emotional coldness
spirit builds self-confidence

cautions possible skin irritant, should not be used in higher concentration than 1 per cent

botanical name Commiphora myrrha
family Burseraceae
This small tree grows in the deserts of Africa and Arabia. The wood secretes a resin that hardens into small "tears" on exposure to the air, from which is produced the essential oil.

properties anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, cooling, expectorant, sedative, tonic

uses body promotes healthy teeth and gums, eases throat and mouth inflammation, aids in skincare
mind helps in states of heated emotion
spirit soothes and calms, expands awareness

cautions avoid during pregnancy

botanical name Myristica fragrance
family Myfisticaceae
Grown in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the West Indies, the ripe fruits split open to reveal the kernel (nutmeg) wrapped in its net-like arils (mace). The nutmeg and mace are used dried in cooking. The oil comes from crushed nutmeg.

properties analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, digestive, stimulant, tonic, warming

uses body revives sluggish digestion, eases nausea, vomiting, bad breath
mind relieves tension, sexual inhibitions
spirit aids intimacy with loved ones

cautions avoid during pregnancy, always use in concentrations of 0.5 per cent or less, over-use can cause nausea, hallucinations and stupor

botanical name Santalum album
family Santalaceae
This slow growing evergreen tree is native to India, where it is a protected species. When the nature trees are cut down, termites are used to remove the sapwood, leaving the fragrant heartwood, which produces the essential oil.

properties anti-infectious, diuretic, immune stimulant, moisturizing, sedative

uses body combats urinary infections (such as cystitis), acts as a digestive aid, relieves nausea
mind alleviates fear, guilt, insomnia and stress
spirit uplifts and revives, aids dreaming

cautions inhalation may cause drowsiness, avoid alcohol consumption before or after use

Tea tree
botanical name Melaleuca alternifolia
family Myrtaceae
This small yellow-flowered tree is native to Australia, and was long used by the Australian Aborigines for its many medicinal properties

properties analgesic, antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, expectorant, immune stimulant

uses body helps in the treatment of respiratory disorders, Candida albicans (thrush), infected wounds
mind eases shock, nervous exhaustion
spirit strengthens and protects, deeply cleansing

cautions no known contraindication


botanical name Citrus bergamia
family Rutaceae
The essential oil of this ornamental citrus tree is expressed from the peel of the inedible fruit. The oil is used in eau de Cologne, and the leaves are used to flavour Earl Grey tea.

properties antibacterial, anti-infectious, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, calming

uses body eases digestive problems, useful in treating oily skin
mind combats grief, anxiety, depression
spirit increases self-confidence

cautions do not expose the skin to sunlight for two hours after using the essential oil

botanical name Citrus paradis
family Rutaceae
The delicious, large, yellow fruits of this tropical tree are eaten whole or used for their juice. The yellow essential oil is obtained from the peel and is used in perfumery.

properties antidepressant, antiseptic, diuretic, digestive, stimulant, tonic
uses body effective in treatment of oily skin, cellulite, obesity
mind alleviates depression, melancholy
spirit uplifts and revives

cautions use the essential oil within six months, seek medical advice before using if taking immuno-suppressant drugs

botanical name Cupressus sempervirens
family Cupressaceae
Some of these tall, evergreen conifers are believed to be more than 3000 years old. The essential oil is distilled from the tree's leaves, cones and twigs while the durable wood is used in furniture making and ship building.

properties antibacterial, anti-infectious, antispasmodic, astringent, calming, deodorant

uses body aids respiratory disorders, asthma, tickly coughs, improves greasy hair and skin, acne, acts as hormone regulator for menstrual problems
mind eases grief, insomnia, mental sluggishness
spirit soothes in stressful times of transition, particularly during difficult change such as a divorce or bereavement

cautions avoid using the essential oil during pregnancy

botanical name Juniperus communis
family Cupressaceae
The juniper tree is a small evergreen from the same family as cypress. It has short spiny leaves and blue-black berries from which is distilled the sweetly fragrant essential oil. Juniper berries are also used to make gin.

properties analgesic, antiseptic, detoxifying, digestive tonic, diuretic, purifying, stimulant

uses body aids acne and oily skin problems, cystitis, water retention, cellulite
mind eases guilt, jealousy, emotional exhaustion, insomnia
spirit helps to reconnect with inner vision

cautions avoid the essential oil during pregnancy, do not use with conditions associated with kidney disease

botanical name Citrus limon
family Rutaceae
The lemon tree is native to Asia but grows wild in many Mediterranean countries,and is also cultivated in many parts of the world. Lemons are rich in vitamin C and their juice and peel are widely used in cooking. The essential oil is expressed from the fruit's peel.

properties anti-anaemic, antibacterial,anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic

uses body relieves coughs, colds, respiratory infections, combats greasy skin and hair, acts as a detoxicant
mind alleviates sluggishness and indecision, eases depression, apathy and fear
spirit brings freshness, clarity

cautions do not expose the skin to sunlight or a sunbed for two hours after using the essential oil, like all citrus oils, the oil has a short shelf life use within six months

botanical name Citrus aurantifolia
family Rutaceae
The smallest member of the true citrus family, the lime resembles the lemon, but its fruits are rounder an greener. Today it is extensively grown in Italy and tropical America. The oil is expressed from the fruit's peel.

properties antiseptic, astringent, restorative

uses body relieves pain from insect bites, acts as a detoxicant and appetite stimulant, reduces greasy skin and scalp
mind relieves listlessness, depression
spirit uplifts the spirits

cautions do not expose the skin to sunlight or a sunbed for two hours after using the essential oil, use the oil within six months

botanical name Citrus sinensis
family Rutaceae
Native to China, oranges were probably known to the Ancient Greeks and may have been the mythical Golden Apples of the Hesperides, and today the evergreen tree is cultivated in many parts of the world. Oranges have a long tradition in both therapeutic and culinary use. The golden yellow essential oil is obtained from the peel.

properties antidepressant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, sedative, tonic, mellow, warming

uses body improves poor circulation, eases indigestion, colds and flu
mind helps alleviate depression, sadness, nervous tension, stress related disorders
spirit restores optimism, enthusiasm and joy, encourages spontaneity

cautions as with other citrus oils, do not expose the skin to sunlight or a sunbed for two hours after using the essential oil, may cause dermatitis

botanical name Pinus sylvestris
family Pinaceae
The pine tree grows widely throughout northern Europe and Russia. This tall tree has a reddish, fissured bark and long stiff needle-like leaves with brown cones. The essential oil comes from the leaves, while the dried bark and cones can be used in potpourri.

properties analgesic, antibacterial, anti fungal, strongly antiseptic, deodorant, cleansing
uses body fights respiratory tract infections, hay fever, cystitis, rheumatism
mind eases melancholy, pessimism, fatigue
spirit inspires and revitalizes, cleanses and opens up the aura

cautions no known contraindication

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


botanical name Ocimum basilicum
family Lamiaceae
The leaves of this popular culinary herb are used for their sweet, refreshing aroma and flavour. Basil essential oil is distilled from the whole plant.

properties analgesic, antibacterial, anti fungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, digestive tonic, expectorant, nervous system regulator, purifier, stimulant

uses body eases indigestion, sinus congestion, arthritis, tired muscles
mind alleviates anxiety, fear, jealousy, indecision, confusion, exhaustion
spirit enhances inspiration and gives spiritual protection

cautions always use the essential oil following the recommended dosage, do not use the oil during pregnancy

Clary sage
botanical name Salvia sclarea
family Lamiaceae
The hardy herb is found in most parts of the world. It has broad, wrinkled leaves and long stalks that bear small blue, pink or white flowers. The essential oil is distilled from the dried plant and is used in eau de Cologne and lavender water as well as muscatel wines and vermouth.

properties anti fungal, anti-infectious, detoxicant, antispasmodic, decongestant, regenerative, euphoric, aphrodisiac, relaxant, sedative, tonic

uses body helpful for females with reproductive problems, relaxes spasms in asthma
mind relieves extreme fear, panic, post-natal depression
spirit encourages vivid dreams and dream recall

cautions prolonged inhalation of the essential oil may cause drowsiness, avoid during pregnancy, avoid alcohol consumption before and after use

botanical name Coriandrum sativum
family Umbelliferae
Native to Europe and Asia, this herb has bright green, delicate leaves, with dainty whitish-pink flowers. The fresh leaves (known by their Spanish name, cilantro, in the United States) are used in cooking and in medicinal infusions. The small seeds are dried and used in cooking, crushed to form spice, or distilled to produce the essential oil.

properties antispasmodic, anti rheumatic, digestive, euphoric, stimulant, tonic, warming

uses body cases arthritis, sprains, strains, muscle spasms
mind relieves worry, anxiety, depression
spirit encourages inner peace and creativity

cautions the essential oil is a possible skin irritant, use only in recommended amounts, can also be stupefying in large doses

botanical name Foeniculum vulgare
family Umbelliferae
This perennial herb from the Mediterranean has dark-green feathery leaves and clusters of small yellow flowers. The essential oil, which is distilled from the seeds, has a sweet aniseed-like aroma.

properties analgesic, antibacterial, anti fungal, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, digestive, laxative

uses body promotes milk flow, eases menstrual pains, menopause symptoms and ovary problems
mind relieves insecurity and pessimism
spirit inspires courage and creative self-expression

cautions use only in recommended dosages, avoid if suffering from epilepsy or if pregnant

botanical name Origanum marjorana
family Lamiaceae
Sweet marjoram is a popular culinary herb and has a reputation for promoting longevity. The plant grows mainly in the Mediterranean regions and has tiny white or pink flowers: the oil is distilled from the plant's leaves and flowers.

properties analgesic, antibacterial, anti-infectious, antispasmodic, digestive stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, tonic, calming, strongly sedative, warming

uses body relieves coughs, cold sores, intestinal spasms, heartburn, colic, muscle spasms, and sprains
mind eases grief, anger, moodiness, insomnia
spirit promotes a sense of calm and inner strength

cautions avoid the essential oil during pregnancy and if asthmatic, do not use for depression

botanical name Melissa officinalis
family Lamiaceae
Also known as lemon balm, melissa is a small herb with tiny white flowers that originates from southern Europe. A daily drink of tea prepared from the fresh leaves is supposed to encourage longevity. When leaves re distilled they produce a pale oil with a crisp, lemony scent.

properties antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiviral, calming and sedative

uses body relieves painful periods, vomiting, nervous indigestion
mind eases grief, tension headaches, insomnia, hysteria, panic, anxiety
spirit brings understanding and awareness

cautions do not expose the skin to sunlight or a sunbed or two hours after using the essential oil, pure melissa oil is difficult to obtain and some cheaper brands contain skin irritants

botanical name Mentha piperita
family Lamiaceae
This small herb has dark-green leaves with serrated edges and small purplish flowerish from which its essential oil is distilled. Peppermint's medicinal qualities have long been appreciated, and the essential oil is a handy first aid standby.

properties analgesic, antibacterial, anti fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti migraine, antispasmodic,insect repellent, reproductive stimulant

uses body eases indigestion, nausea, travel sickness, diarrhoea, clears congestion, relieves bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis and colds
mind alleviates anger, guilt, apathy, mental fatigue, depression, inability to concentrate, shock spirit revitalizes the inner-self, increases ability to digest new experiences

cautions use the essential oil sparingly, keep to recommended dilution, avoid during pregnancy, a strong mental stimulant - avoid at bedtime

botanical name Rosmarinus officinalis
family Lamiaceae
Native to the Mediterranean regions, this aromatic evergreen shrub has needle-shaped leaves and pale blue flowers. It has a rich history of both culinary and medicinal use. The essential oil is obtained from the flowers and leaves.

properties analgesic, antibacterial, anti fungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, cleansing, detoxicant, digestive, diuretic, sexual tonic, stimulant, warmimg

uses body useful in the treatment of respiratory problems, rheumatic and muscular pain, arthritis, congestive headaches, constipation, indigestion and poor circulation
mind eases depression, and mental exhaustion through overwork, improves memory
spirit opens the heart, increases sensitivity, creativity and awareness of inner potential

cautions avoid using the essential oil during pregnancy or if suffering from epilepsy or from high blood pressure, a strong mental stimulant - avoid at bedtime


botanical name Anthemis nobilis
family Asteraceae
Roman chamomile is native to the British Isles and is a small perennial with feathery leaves and daisy-like flowers. The essential oil has a fragrance resembling over-ripe apples. Its action is gentle, soothing and calming, making it suitable for babies. Chamomile flowers are widely drunk in teas.

properties analgesic, anti-anaemic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti neuralgic, antispasmodic, calming and sedative, digestive, diuretic

uses body useful for rheumatic inflammation, indigestion, headaches, menstrual problems
mind can alleviate hysteria, nervous afflictions, fear, insomnia
spirit brings patience and peace, helps to reinstate a feeling of comfort and belonging.

cautions avoid using the essential oil during the first three months of pregnancy

botanical name Pelargonium graveolens
family Geraniaceae
With its serrated, heart-shaped leaves and brightly coloured flowers, geranium is a popular household plant. The light green essential oil comes from the aromatic leaves, and has a rose-like aroma. It is often used to dilute the very expensive rose oil in perfumes and other beauty products.

properties analgesic, antibacterial, antidepressant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, decongestant, deodorant, digestive stimulant, insect repellent, relaxant

uses body use in instances of inflammation,acne, herpes, diarrhoea, varicose veins, urinary tract infections and menstrual problems
mind alleviates grief, anger, moodiness, depression, anxiety
spirit brings order and balance, restores harmony

cautions avoid the essential oil during the first three months of pregnancy

botanical name Jasminum grandiflorum
family Oleaceae
Native to China and India, this creeping vine is a member of the olive family. The plant has dark-green leaves and intoxicatingly fragrant white flowers from which is extracted the essential oil. Jasmine is one of the most expensive perfume ingredients. The flowers are used to scent China tea, and garlands of them are used in the Buddhist religion to symbolize respect.

properties pain reliever, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, uterine atonic, aphrodisiac

uses body beneficial in skincare, particularly of dry and sensitive skin, it also increases skin elasticity, eases period pain and muscular aches and pains
mind helps relieve apathy, indifference, listlessness, post-natal depression, stress-related disorders
spirit liberates imagination, provokes fantasies, releases and encourages inner desires

cautions avoid the essential oil when pregnant

botanical name Lavandula angustifolia
family Lamiaceae
This herb is extensively cultivated in England an France. It has grey-green leaves and fragrant blue-violet flowers borne on long spikes. The flowers and stems are used dried and fresh in cooking and in infusions. The essential oil is obtained from the plant's flowering tops. Lavender has been a popular for centuries and is used in a variety of beauty and household products.

properties analgesic, antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, calming and sedative, decongestant, tonic, immunity booster

uses body skin rejuvenator, normalizes dry and oily skin, helps psoriasis and eczema, eases high blood pressure, asthma, arthritis and rheumatism
mind eases tension headaches, agitation, anxiety and insomnia, is useful in treatment of depression, fear, grief indecision and emotional conflict, and extreme mood swings
spirit restores peace and tranquility, eases the trauma of change, helps the individual become receptive to new ideas and experiences

cautions avoid using the essential oil during the first three months of pregnancy

botanical name Citrus aurantium
family Rutaceae
The essential oil neroli is distilled from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree, an evergreen citrus tree native to Asia but nowadays cultivated extensively in the Mediterranean region. The expressed oil is produced in Israel, Cyprus, Brazil and the US. Neroli has a soft, floral fragrance, and is the most costly of the various orange oils.

properties antidepressant, antiseptic, deodorant, digestive, sedative, tonic, aphrodisiac

uses body beneficial in skincare, improves elasticity, is regenerative, aids in the healing of scars, thread veins and the stretch marks of pregnancy
mind relieves hysteria, anxiety, depression, insomnia
spirit calms, aids confidence

cautions no known contraindications for the essential oil

botanical name Rosa damascena
family Rosaceae
In the Valley of the Roses in Bulgaria, the highly prized damask rose is cultivated. The plant is picked at sunrise to maximize its oil yield, known as rose otto or attar of roses. The oil is distilled from the intoxicatingly fragrant petals. Other varieties of rose are also appreciated for their fragrance, either as fresh or dried flowers, or as slightly cheaper essential oils.

properties antidepressant, antibacterial, astringent, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, cleansing, sexual tonic, aphrodisiac

uses body balances hormones, regulates menstruation, is helpful in cases of frigidity or impotence, improves the circulation, regulates the heart, rejuvenates and regenerates the skin mind eases guilt, jealousy, grief, resentment, depression, insomnia, tension headaches
spirit heals the heart and emotions, re-establishes connections with loved ones, brings a sense of deep relaxation and inner peace

cautions avoid the essential oil during the first months of pregnancy

Ylang ylang
botanical name Cananga odorata
family Annonaceae

The glossy-leaved evergreen tree is native to tropical Asia. The thick yellow petals yield an exotic oil used in cosmetics, soaps, detergents, lotion, perfumes, foods and drinks.

properties antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, calming and sedative, aphrodisiac, circulatory stimulant, reproductive tonic

uses body regulates cardiac and respiratory rhythm, relaxes muscles, is a useful tonic of dry hair and scalp, stimulates hair growth, and soothes dry, inflammed skin
mind helpful in cases of irritability, fear, introversion, shyness, stress-related disorders
spirit opens the heart, making deeper understanding possible, creates feelings of peace and warmth

cautions use the essential oil in moderation, excessive use of ylang ylang can lead to nausea and headaches


above Use your favourite scents in a misting bottle, mixed with a little water, to freshen up the air around the house.

A pleasant smell is usually the first thing you notice when you enter a room, and it can strongly affect your mood. Use aromas not only to feel good but also to purify the air.

spritzer To freshen up a stale atmosphere, blend 10 drops of essential oils, such as rose, with 105ml/7 tbsp water and mix well, then add to a misting bottle. Spray into the air as needed.

potpourri The natural fragrance of potpourri is perfect for subtle, long-term room scenting. Use a mixture of dried leaves, twigs, petals, buds, dried fruit and nuts. Add a few drops of essential oil and use a fixative (powdered orris root is the best) to preserve the scent.

pomanders These perfumed balls were at one time carried as protection against infection. Today, citrus pomanders are used mainly as festive decorations, but they are also effective in warding off insects. Stud oranges, lemons or kumquats with cloves and toss in ground cinnamon and orris root. Leave to dry out for a few weeks then hang.

firesticks Dried herbs, roots, seeds and plant constituents will perfume a room if put on an open fire when the flames is low. Try pine cones, lavender bundles, or sage.

scented linen For old-fashioned luxury, scent linen with the delicate fragrance of flowers and plants. Make tiny cushions and fill with dried lavender heads, or sprinkle oils of lemon grass, cedarwood and rosewood on to drawer liners.

vaporizers These come in many forms, but essentially consist of a shallow bowl standing over a small chamber containing a night-light. Fill the bowl with warm water, add 2-3 drops of essential oil and light the night-light. As the water is heated the oil vaporizes its perfume.


above Ice cream scented with lavender makes a pretty and gently aromatic dish.

The fastest way to benefit from a fragrance is by inhalation: nerve pathways lead from the lining of the nose to the part of the brain that deals with memory and emotions.

tissue inhalation Sprinkle a few drops of essential oil on a tissue, keep it with you and sniff throughout the day. This is a particularly good way to simply and easily combat stress or work pressures in the office.

steam inhalation These are great for clearing blocked sinuses. Add 5 drops of essential oil to a bowl of steaming water. Carefully lean over the bowl, cover your head and the bowl with a towel to make a tent and breathe in deeply.

sauna During winter, antiviral essential oils, such as eucalyptus and pine, work well in the sauna. Mix 3-4 drops of oil in the water bucket and splash on to the hot coals.

Nourishing The Body
Fragrant spices and herbs - even edible flowers - can add considerably to our enjoyment of food and drink and can be highly beneficial. It is not advisable to take essential oils internally without medical supervisions.

food and drink Use aromatic spices to pep up your cooking, eat fragrant herbs in salads and sauces, and make healthy herbal, fruit and spice drinks. Spiced and herbal oils and vinegars also make wonderful gifts.

infusions Herbal teas or tisanes are made by boiling in water the soft leaves, stems or flowers of a plant, and then straining off the liquid. Chamomile flowers combined with mint leaves makes a refreshing summer drink.

decoctions For a stronger, spicy brew, use the bark and roots of a plant. Use 25g/1oz whole spices to 900ml/11/2 pints / 33/4 cups water. Boil until the liquid is reduced to 600ml/1 pint/21/2 cups, then strain, discarding the spices.


above Mix scented creams or lotions with a carrier base oil to make them go further.

The best way to use a scent on the body is to "layer" it, by using a variety of scented products. So a bath oil, soap, dusting powder, body lotion and eau de toilette will each add a layer of fragrance, some of which will evaporate into the air, while the rest will be absorbed by the skin to pleasantly linger over many hours. Just make sure that your scents harmonize with one another and don't compete for attention.

massage There is no better way to pamper your body. An essential oil blended with almond or wheatgerm oil makes a perfect massage oil. Blend in the proportion of 2-3 drops of essential oil to 15ml/1 tbsp carrier oil.

bathtime A scented bath is one of life's luxuries. Choose two or three essential oils and use 8-10 drops altogether. Add the oils to a warm bath and swish the water thoroughly to disperse them. Alternatively, mix the drops of oil beforehand in a little almond oil, or a little milk, and add to the bath. Lower the water temperature for a more stimulating soak.

skincare After a bath or shower, nourish your skin with scented creams and lotions. Use an unperfumed cream and add 3-4 drops of essential oils to 30ml/2 tbsp cream. For a lotion with a thinner consistency, add jojoba or avocado oil to the mix.

footbath If you suffer from swollen feet and tired, aching legs, a footbath is a real treat. Add 6-8 drops of essential oil to a bowl of warm water and soak your feet for 10 minutes.

muscle rub To warm up the body before an exercise workout, choose invigorating or stimulating fragrances: add 1 drop of essential oil to 5ml/1tsp carrier oil. For aching muscles, choose fragrances that have a relaxing effect.

compresses Use cool compresses for acute pain and injury, and warm ones to alleviate swelling and to reduce inflammation. Mix 3-5 drops of essential oil in a bowl of hot or cold water and soak a piece of soft cotton until the oils are absorbed. Apply the soaked pad to the affected area. Compresses are useful for treating insect bites, painful joints, stomach pains and headache.


We can benefit from many parts of the scented plant - fresh and/ or dried plant constituents such as petals, leaves, bark and seeds, as well as the distilled essential oil. There are also many ways we can use these products, such as in massage and baths, inhalation, food and drink, and in the air around us.

Before embarking on any treatment using essential oils, it is important to know a little bit about how they work in order to use them safely. The two primary ways of using oils at home are by inhalation or by application to the skin in a carrier oil. When we breathe in scents, some oil molecules travel to the lungs to be absorbed into the blood. Other molecules go directly to the brain, which then releases neurochemicals that act on the person. When scented products are applied to the body, the chemical compounds from the plant extract are absorbed by the skin into the bloodstream and lymphatic system, from where they can travel to any part of the body. Essential oils are concentrated substances , and are always diluted in a carrier base oil before being used on the body. Good quality oils, such as almond, wheatgerm, jojoba and avocado, make excellent carriers. Alternatively, essential oils can be added to water and used for bathing, misting on to the skin or vaporizing.

Always handle essential oils with care and consideration - they are highly powerful, medicinal substances. If in doubt, seek an expert medical opinion before using them.

  • Use only good quality, unadulterated essential oils.
  • Store essential oil, scents and perfumes away from the light in a fairly cool position.
  • Essential oils are highly concentrated substances, and should not be taken internally nor applied directly to the skin.
  • Always use in diluted form, mixed with a suitable carrier base of vegetable oil or added to bath water, for example: Carry out a patch test on a small area of skin if using an oil for the first time.
  • Certain essential oils should be avoided completely during pregnancy; seek professional guidance if unsure.
  • Essential oils should not be used for children under 2 years of age.
  • Avoid getting undiluted plant essences in the eyes, as this can cause permanent damage.
  • Certain essential oils, particularly the citrus ones should not be used for two hours before exposure to sunlight or a sunbed.


When fragrance is used for pleasure alone, the choice is usually based on an individual's preference for the aroma. When used to maintain or improve health, however, the properties and effects of a scent are a crucial part of the choice. This section discusses the most common ways of using scents at home, as well as providing a handy checklist of the different properties of aromas included in this post. Scents are powerful, concentrated substances - it is important to understand how they work, so that they can be used safely and effectively, and if in doubt seek medical advice. Treat them with care and respect and allow them to treat you.


above: Use scents to conjure up thoughts of holiday and far-away places. Vaporize a few drops of frankincense oil combined with lavender oil to create a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere - one that is just right for dreaming.

Modern life is busy and stressful; make time to sit or rest quietly for a few moments each day, close your eyes, breathe slowly and let your mind go. To further help you, experiment with fragrances such as myrrh, frankincense and sandalwood, whose very names conjure up mysterious and exotic other worlds that are far from the everyday.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the smoky and mysterious aroma of myrrh was particularly pleasing to the gods. Like frankincense, myrrh heightens an awareness of higher levels of consciousness. Use when you are agitated: its cooling fragrance will help put everyday worries into perspective.

Valued as highly as gold, frankincense was one of the gifts of the Kings to Jesus. The vapour is balsamic and spicy, with a warming and calming effect. Frankincense deepens and slows the breath, thus helping the mind and body to relax and producing a heightened awareness of the spiritual realm.

Sandalwood is probably the oldest known perfume in history, with more than 4,000 years of recorded use. Prized in India, the wood was used to build temples, carved into icons, and burned as incense. This musky, exotic aroma facilitates meditation and is favoured by yogis to encourage a contemplative state.

All three of these perfumes can be used separately or in combination. Try burning them as incense, or vaporize the oils in a burner.

Monday, December 22, 2008


above and right: Whether alone, or with another, use scented rose soap, candles and chilled wine to add a touch of decadence to bathing.

We all know that it is important to occasionally indulge ourselves, and our partners, but how often do we actually do so? Creating a sensual haven - even if just for an hour or two - is one of the best ways of doing this.

The bedroom and bathroom are two places where it is fairly easy to create the right atmosphere. Dim the lights, play appropriate music, and select scents to suit your mood. Use creams, lotions, floral waters or perfumes to spoil yourself with, and enjoy a relaxing, luxurious bath or a sensual massage.

Rose and Sandalwood Bath Oil
Use this luxurious oil sparingly, a little will go a long way. The warm, spicy fragrance will linger on your skin after your bath.

you will need:
100ml/31/2fl oz almond oil
20ml/4 tsp wheatgerm oil
15 drops of rose essential oil
10 drops of sandalwood essential oil

Seductive Massage Mix
There is nothing like giving and receiving a massage to relax tension and create intimacy.

you will need:
105ml/7 tbsp grapeseed oil
5ml/1 tsp wheatgerm oil
5 drops of rose essential oil
3 drops of ylang ylang essential oil
2 drops of jasmine essential oil

For both blend, combine the ingredients and store in a dark-coloured screw-top bottle. Use as required.


above: This glorious rose pomander is a modern adaption of the traditional variety, and is scented with neroli and rose essential oils.

We all need a little pampering every now and then, and some scents and flowers seem almost synonymous with luxury, whether in the form of a simple posy of fresh flowers or as fabulously evocative essential oils used in a warm bath. In particular, certain fragrances, such as rose, jasmine, neroli and ylang ylang, are well-known aphrodisiacs, and there are a variety of ways they can be used to bring a little romance into your daily life.

The exquisitely scented rose is the classic symbol of romance and seduction, and is associated with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty and fertility. There are many other, less extravagant, ways to experience the powers of rose: in pot pourri or dried flowers, in perfume and in eau de Colognes. To make an undeniably sensuous bath oil, mix rose essential oil with that of sandalwood; the scent will linger on your skin long after the bath.

If rose is regarded as the Queen of Flowers, then jasmine is considered King. Although the white flowers are delicately shaped, their long-lasting fragrance is of a more masculine nature: rich, musky and earthy. Like rose, jasmine is a remedy for sexual frigidity and impotence, helping to relax and calm the body - use a little of the oil in the bath or in massage.

The richly scented yellow blooms of ylang ylang have an exotic and voluptuous, sweet and heady aroma. The term ylang ylang means "flower of flowers" in the Malay language, and the blooms are used by native women in Indonesia to perfume their hair, and are spread on the beds of newly-weds to calm wedding-night nerves. Renowned for their ability to relax and seduce, they help slow down an over rapid breathing rate and heartbeat.

Of a gentler nature, neroli is one of the finest floral essences and is often used in eau de Cologne. It comes from the bitter orange tree whose flowers are used in bridal bouquets and garlands to symbolize innocence and to secure love. The simple, sweet fragrance of neroli brings happiness and nourishment to the soul.

above and right: Certain flowers, such as the rose, seem to symbolize luxury and are delightful in many forms, from lotions to floral displays.


top left: Placing a hot dish on this clove-filled cushion releases the tantalizing scent of the spice.
bottom left: Cloves are an antiseptic and can have a mild anaesthetic effect; traditionally the oil was used to relieve toothache.
top right: Elegant and richly coloured quills of cinnamon are used in cooking around the world.
bottom right: For a traditional fragrant pomander, stud an orange with cloves, then toss in orris root and ground cinnamon and hang.

In winter, there is nothing quite like rich, pungent and spicy aromas to bring warmth and vitality into our homes and to create a mellow and inviting ambience. Packed into the bark, roots, seeds, flowers and even the stamens of some plants is an explosion of spicy fragrance and flavour that has been used in cooking since ancient times, as well as for scenting and healing.

The warm, spicy smell of nutmeg has a soft and evocative effect and is said to stimulate dreams, while the penetratingly hot and sweet fragrance of cloves aids the recollection of long-forgotten memories. If you enjoy sitting at the fireside and reminiscing with friends, either of these aromas will help create the right mood.

On a practical level, cloves are a powerful antiseptic and give good protection against winter illnesses. The oil is valued for its ability to help clear chesty coughs and blocked sinuses. To ward off infections, vaporize a few drops in a burner.

Cinnamon is also useful for strengthening the immune system and protecting against colds and flu. This exotic spice has a hot, sharp and slightly sweet aroma. It helps to relieve aches and chills felt in the early stages of a cold, and is a good antidote for stomach upsets. Highly prized for its culinary and medicinal uses, cinnamon is among the oldest and most sought-after spices known: at one time, it was more valuable than gold.

Both cinnamon and cloves blend well with orange to make a wonderful winter fragrance. For Christmas parties, make an aromatic mulled wine punch, using red wine and a little added sugar with slices of orange, some cinnamon sticks and a few clove buds.


Looking after our skin is a chance for pampering and rejuvenating, and there is nothing like using your own home-made products to create a real sense of well-being.

Nourishing Night Cream
As we get older, our skin becomes drier and in need of regular care. Jasmine and rose oils help to rehydrate the skin, while frankincense helps reduce wrinkles and restore tone to slack muscles

you will need:
50g/2oz jar of unperfumed base cream with a close-fitting lid
3 drops of rose essential oil
2 drops of frankincense essential oil
1 drop of jasmine essential oil

Add the oils to the cream, and mix well together. Apply a little of the cream just before going to bed.

Lavender And Olive Oil Soap
Use a good quality pure olive oil soap for this lovely, home-made soap. Enrich it with other oils and scent it with lavender for a gently rejuvenating cleanser.

you will need:
175g/6oz good quality olive-oil soap
25ml/1fl oz coconut oil
25ml/1fl oz almond oil
30ml/2 tbsp ground almonds
10 drops of lavender essential oil

Grate the soap and place in a double boiler. Leave the soap to soften over a low heat. When soft, add all the other ingredients. Stir well, until all the ingredients are evenly mixed and begin to hold together. Press the mixture into oiled moulds and leave to set overnight. Unmould and decorate by pressing the top of each block of soap into a shallow tray of lavender buds.


left: Use essential oils in the daily care of your skin to keep it supple and youthful.
right top and below: Lavender has long been valued for its healing qualities, as well as its unmistakable perfume, and is particularly beneficial in massage.

Even if there is no magical potion we can take to keep us forever young, there are certain plants that stimulate the growth of healthy new cells in the human body, most notably lavender and neroli.

The healing properties of lavender, known to the ancients for thousands for years, were rediscovered in the 20th century when a French chemist, accidentally burnt his arm. He plunged his arm into a jar of lavender oil, and was astonished at how quickly his wound healed, with very little scarring. Lavender is not only a powerful skin rejuvenator, it also helps normalize both dry and greasy skins and can be used for treating difficult skin conditions, such as acne: try adding a few drops to an unperfumed body lotion or face cream.

Weak, brittle or damaged nails can also benefit from lavender's strengthening properties. To encourage strong, healthy nails, you have to care for the cuticle as well as the nail as this is where nail growth begins: each evening, rub a few drops of lavender oil into the cuticles. After two or three months you should see some improvement as the treated nail grows through.

The delicate oil of neroli is widely used in commercially made perfume and skincare products and is particularly beneficial for dry or sensitive skin. It helps eliminate dead skin cells, improves the skin's elasticity, and is useful for all kinds of skin problems, including thread veins and stretch marks.

Regular use of both lavender and neroli oils in baths and in massage can help to maintain cellular reproduction at the levels that occur naturally in young people. Try experimenting with these oils on a daily basis, by adding a few drops to face creams, body lotions and/or baths oils.


top and left: Clear blocked sinuses with a revitalizing burst of the fresh, menthol smell from plants such as eucalyptus and tea tree.
right: Graceful feathery fennel has been used since Roman times for both culinary and medicinal purposes. The Roman historian Pliny listed it as a remedy for no fewer than 22 complaints.

Plants have been used for thousands of years to cleanse and purify and those with a fresh "medicinal" smell are useful if you need to give your body a detox or simply want to keep the surrounding air clean and germ-free.

Two of the most important purifying plants, tea tree and eucalyptus, originate in Australia. Tea tree, which has been long known to the Australian Aborigines, has powerful antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial properties. Its sharp pungent and camphorous aroma is ideal for use in a vaporizer to kill airborne germs.

The piercingly fresh, menthol vapour of eucalyptus is also perfectly suited for use as a cleanser, and is effective as bot ha preventative and a remedy. Its smell has a head-clearing and cooling effect and can bring down a fever. If your sinuses are blocked it can be a powerful antidote. Try taking a sauna, add three to four drops to the bucket of water, mix well and pour over the hot coals. The aromatic steam will have an instant effect.

Juniper has long history of medical use. Until recently, sprigs of juniper, together with rosemary, were burnt in French hospitals to cleanse and purify the air, releasing a distinctive fresh and woody aroma. Juniper also has a strong, detoxifying effect on the body and combines well with fennel, another disinfectant and purifier, which has a fresh, aniseed-like smell. For treating cellulite, both juniper and fennel are very helpful: add a few drops each of fennel and juniper essential oil to a massage base oil and rub on to the affected areas daily.


We have all experienced sleepless nights from time to time - worries go round and round inside our heads, just as we are trying to get to sleep. The resulting disturbed and restless night leaves us more prone to stress and anxiety, and a vicious cycle can be created. You can help break this cycle by taking a warm and fragrant bath at bedtime.

Bath salts have traditionally been used as a treatment for a variety of complaints, including skin problems and rheumatic aches and pains. If you have problems sleeping, treat yourself by making the following special blend. It will relax a tired mind and ease aching muscles, encouraging a good night's sleep.

Goodnight Bath Salts
Chamomile is a widely recognized sedative; for these bath salts it has been combined with sweet marjoram, which is an effective treatment for insomnia.

you will need:
500g / 11/4lb coarse sea salt
10 drops of chamomile essential oil
10 drops of sweet marjoram essential oil
1-3 drops of green food colouring (optional)

Combine all the ingredients and pour into a glass storage jar, with a close-fitting lid. Put the lid on firmly. Just before bedtime, light a scented candle, add a handful of salts to your bath, immerse yourself in the warm water and relax.


left: Sugar scented with dried lavender flowers will add an exotic aroma to sweet recipes.
right: Add chamomile flowers to bath oil for a pretty and beneficial effect.

Everyday life is full of pressures and it is easy to feel stressed, irritable and out of control. When our nerves are on edge, our immune system is weakened and we are more likely to succumb to infection or to suffer from stress-related disorders.

Lavender is one of nature's greatest "cure-alls" - it's a soothing tonic for the nervous system, capable of calming stormy emotional states and rebalancing the mind and body. If you suffer from tension headaches, try rubbing lavender oil on the temples, or you could try an old remedy - Queen Elizabeth I of England drank copious of cups of lavender tea to treat her frequent migraine headaches.

Chamomile is also known for its gentle, soothing properties. The ancient Egyptians dedicated the chamomile plant to the sun because of its ability to reduce feverish conditions. This gentle yet strengthening herb is particularly useful in treating inflammatory disorders of the digestive tract and sensitive skin conditions, such as eczema, which are often linked to tension and anxiety. Try adding a few drops to a base oil an using in massage and hot compresses.

The delicate fragrant flowers of the Seville orange tree produce a bitter-sweet oil, neroli, that is especially valuable for easing anxiety. Neroli helps to promote confidence in stressful situations: to calm jittery nerves before an engagement, or to cope with public speaking or interview nerves, take a handkerchief sprinkled with a few drops of neroli and sniff it beforehand.

Sweet marjoram also calms nervous tension and has a strong sedative action. It can be comforting in times of grief, and its warm and woody aroma makes it particularly appealing to men who have troubling sleeping - use judiciously, however, because it is also reputed to quell sexual desire.


above: Uplifting scents in the home and garden can have a powerful, uplifting effect on our moods.

When you are feeling blue and out of sorts, or are caught by worries and feeling of insecurity, look for fragrances that will lift your spirits and encourage a cheerful outlook.

The sweetly herbaceous, heady fragrance of clary sage will achieve a definite euphoric lift. If you are suffering from stress and nervous tension, try burning a few drops of the essential oil in a room vaporizer, but don't use too much, as you could be left feeling very light-headed.

The aroma of clary sage is also cleansing and it blends will with the sweet, refreshing aroma of orange, creating a cheering and uplifting combination. In China, gifts of oranges are offered during the New Year celebrations as symbols of happiness and prosperity. Their fresh aroma helps disperse gloomy, negative thoughts, revive the spirit and untangle emotional problems and obsessions.

The light, lemony scent of melissa is also reputed to chase away dark thoughts. A pleasant fragrance to have around the house or office, it encourages a clean and positive atmosphere. For depression associated with grief and loss, melissa will help bring understanding and relief.

The popular household plant, geranium, is another refreshing anti-depressant, good for easing nervous tension and exhaustion and restoring harmony and balance. In Victorian Britain, the geranium plant was strategically placed around the house so that women's long skirts would brush against them and release the sweet and rosy perfume. For a refreshing, uplifting start to the day, blend two drops of geranium and two drops of bergamot essential oils and add to your bath just before you get in.

above: The warm tones of ried orange slices nestling in glossy evergreen bay leaves make a wonderfully aromatic Christmas garland.