Sunday, May 10, 2009


'Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it does not matter' - MARK TWAIN

Looking younger is more than just a quick-fix jab or a $50 pot of face cream. It is what you do day in, day out that makes all the difference.

Don't believe you can make a huge impact on the way you look? Then consider this: only 20% of wrinkles are due to genetics, the rest are caused by your environment and lifestyle. Which means that you can do something about them. And do not discount the power of your mind, which can significantly slow and reverse the ageing process.

Many years ago 40 was declined as middle age. Now it is called middle youth. We are living longer than previous generation; within 15 years one in five of us will be over 65. Luckily we now have more beauty and well-being knowledge at our disposal than ever before, to help us live a beautiful, healthy and active long life.

Ageless Beauty is not about chasing the Hollywood stretched-skin ideal, but about how to rejuvenate yourself inside and out so you look, feel and live younger - for longer.

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