Your nails can change texture, colour, thickness or shape - changes that often reflect your inner health. Monitor changes carefully and get appropriate help.Brittle nails
Onychorrhexis refers to split or brittle nails that are often ridged lengthwise. The condition is caused by injury to the finger, and abuse of the nails through overexposure to chemical solvents, water, rough handling and drying polish removers. Wear gloves, avoid rough handling and tough detergents, and try using a conditioning treatment.
These are small tears or splits in the cuticle and surrounding tissue. Usually the result of nail biting, they may also be caused by dry skin or injury. If untreated, they may tear and become raw, painful, and subject to infection. Trim with nippers or nail scissors and treat with an antiseptic if the affected area is small.
Thin nails
Like good skin and thick hair, strong nails are a hereditary trait, but vitamin A can help to firm thin nails. Regular grooming and brushing on a nail-strengthening formula may help prevent breakage. As clippers can bend and break your nails, it is a better idea to use scissors for trimming if you really are too rushed to file them with an emery board.
Vertical ridges
Not uncommon in adults, vertical ridges become more widespread as we get older due to a decline in the natural oil and moisture levels in the nail plate. Disruptions in nail growth patterns as a result of illness and nutritional deficiencies also cause ridges. Treat them with regular applications of nourishing nail and cuticle oil.
These are corrugations or long ridges that run in either direction across the nail. Ridges across the nail can be caused by high fever, pregnancy or zinc deficiency, while lengthwise corrugations may be triggered by psoriasis or poor circulation. Try increasing your zinc intake. Gently buff or smooth out irregularities or fill with ridge-filler and cover with the varnish of your choice.
White spots
White spots on the nail plate (leukonychia) are caused by tiny air bubbles trapped in the nail plate, usually as a result of mild trauma to the nail bed or matrix. Zinc and calcium may help but the spots will gradually grow out. If they bother you, apply varnish to conceal them.
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