Thursday, June 11, 2009


  • Forget the rule about shorter styles being best for fine hair: In fact short layers are very ageing - just think of your nan's shampoo and set! Far more modern is a shoulder-length bob with long layers to give volume and shape. And you can still put it up, too.
  • Ask your hairdresser for cutting techniques that give your hair volume. Point-cutting, slicing tapering and razoring all take weight out of the hair so it does not hang flat.
  • A good volumizing or thickening shampoo can work like a collagen injection for the hair. Ask your stylist what they recommend. Far from being commission-hungry, your hairdresser actually knows your hair better than anyone. And do not be put off by the price - you usually get what you pay for. Lastly, consider investing in a styling spray from the same range. Products are formulated to work together, so it is worth sticking with one brand.
  • Wash fine hair daily if possible, as it goes limp quicker than any other hair type. But use conditioner sparingly, just on the mid-lengths and ends, or your hair could dry flatter than it was before.
  • For a body-building blow-dry, hang your head upside down to blast volume into the roots. Or, even better, dry hair in the opposite direction to how your hair grows, which means raking all your hair over to one side, and then switching hands and raking it over to the other. Keep alternating until your hair is nearly dry, then swap your fingers for a plastic pronged brush and smooth the surface.
  • Back-combing may sound old hat, but done gently it can hold your newly styled volume in place without any damage. Take a section of hair and, holding it without tension, use a wide-tooth comb to tease the roots. To remove tangles post-night out, start at the ends and work up.
  • If you only have a minute, hang your head upside down and massage your roots. Spray with a styling or fixing spray and, hey presto, big hair!
  • Velcro rollers are much kinder than heated ones, but only use on short to medium-length hair, as longer hair will tangle. When choosing your roller size, remember that hair needs to go around a roller at least one and a half times to hold it in place. You can put Velcro rollers in damp hair and wait for it to dry, or for quicker results in just-styled warm hair (when hair cools, it will 'set' the style). Or, for between shampoos styling, put the rollers in dry hair, heat them with a hairdryer for five minutes, wait until they have cooled right down and then unwind gently. For extra oomph, hang your head upside down and spray with a fixing product before raking hair through with your fingers.
  • Velvet-coated heated rollers are the best bet for long hair. If the result is too curly, only leave them in for half the recommended time. This cuts down on heat damage, too.
  • For a quick-fix plumper, gently rub sections of hair between your fingers and thumb. This will fluff up the cuticles, creating instant volume.

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