Your face is exposed and the very first thing people notice, so it generally receives a lot more attention than the rest of your body. And when the focus is shifted to your body, it is usually about losing weight and trying to cover up flaws, rather than celebrating it. But to feel good in your skin, you need to shower as much attention on your body as you do on your face - protecting and caring for the skin, which reacts and changes just as facial skin does.
It is also a good idea to listen to your body. Aching muscles, tiredness and stiff joints may be an indication that your body is run down and needs attention. A healthy diet and a fitness regime are essential to keep in shape, but caring for your body is just as much about keeping the skin smooth and glowing with energy.
Taking a brisk walk, treating yourself to a long bath or a massage, regular exfoliation, nourishing lotions, keeping an eye on posture, proper breathing and taking time to relax all have a direct impact on your body and its appearance. In this blog we look at how to keep the body's skin smooth, supple and healthy.
Detoxifying, firming body wraps relieve water retention, making the skin appear smoother. The effect lasts about 8-12 hours.
Body Basics
Dry skin is simply the accumulation of dead skin cells. By removing them through exfoliation, skin looks smoother and more youthful; it also helps prevent ingrown hairs. You can either use an exfoliating scrub or a body brush, rubbing gently in a circular motion, towards the heart.
The skin on your body is generally drier than the skin on your face, so daily moisturizing is essential. When choosing a product, remember that the heavier the consistency, the more moisturizing it is. If you suffer from spots on your chest or back, look for a body lotion that contains salicylic acid. Many lotions also contain AHAs, retinol, antioxidants and sunscreens, so you really can give your body the same attention as you do your face. Apply it immediately after bathing to seal in the moisture.
Shaving, waxing or depilatories ... how you remove unwanted hair depends on personal preference - and your pain threshold.
Unwanted hair can be removed in a variety of ways depending on your time and pain threshold! And, various lotions can be applied after your method of hair removal to inhibit growth.
- Depilatories are creams and lotions that contain chemicals to dissolve hair. They can irritate the skin whose outer layer is made of keratin protein similar to that of hair. They are also very alkaline and so can disturb the skin's natural pH balance. Always do a patch test first, and never leave on longer than instructed.
- Shaving is quick and convenient in the bath or shower. First wash the area with warm water to avoid razor burn and soften hairs. For minimal irritation, change the blades regularly and use the fewest possible number of strokes. Shaving creams, gels and lotions provide a layer of protection by increasing lubrication so the blade glides smoothly. Most of them also contain soothing and moisturizing ingredients. If you do suffer skin sensitivity, do a patch test before using one of these products. Despite popular belief, shaving does not make the hair grow back thicker - it's merely the blunt edge as it grows out that makes it appear a little thicker.
- Waxing pulls the hair out from the root. Hairs grow back slower than with shaving and become finer with repeated use. For optimal results, hair needs to be quite long and the process can be painful. Like shaving, waxing can cause ingrown hairs, so exfoliate the area.
- Electrolysis, when it is performed properly, can permanently remove unwanted hair. Electrical impulses are directed into hair follicles where they shock the hair's root an inhibit growth. The procedure is time consuming and expensive because multiple treatments are required. It can also be quite painful, but an anaesthetic cream can be used to ease any discomfort. It is important to have it done by a professional as it can leave brown marks or scars if done incorrectly.
- Laser hair removal temporarily inactivates the hair follicle. Once the follicle is destroyed, it usually stops producing hair. As with electrolysis, more than one treatment is required and it is the most expensive procedure. A session leaves the area free of hair for four to six weeks. Eventually hair becomes finer or disappears altogether.
An ingrown hair is a hair that has grown sideways, forcing the tip of the hair into the follicle wall. It can also occur if the hair is too weak to push through the follicle. Regular exfoliation will help reduce the occurrence, while a cream containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic or glycolic acid can be dabbed on to clear it up.
All about Cellulite

Medium stiff brushes and loofahs are great exfoliants and are also ideal for improving circulation and drainage. Be gentle and stop using them if your skin is irritated.
Cellulite is the dimpling of the fatty tissue under the skin and anyone can have it, no matter how over or underweight you are. Some experts believe it is a result of genetic, circulatory and metabolic factors, and say there are ways to at least improve its appearance. Others say it is purely an accumulation of fat and no amount of body brushing or expensive potions will disperse it.
Another line of thinking is that it is a build-up of fat and toxins like lymphatic fluids, acidic waste and water, due to bad habits such as a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, alcohol and smoking. This school of thought advocates massage or some other form of stimulation to flush out the nasty stuff.
The most accepted explanation is that cellulite is a woman's condition that is related to oestrogen, the female hormone, which kicks in at puberty and creates curves by enlarging the fat cells, especially on the hips and thighs. The appearance of cellulite is caused by the way a woman's fat cells are packaged underneath the skin: standing chambers of fat separated by fibrous membranes.
As we age, the connective tissue between these chambers thickens, causing a mattress-like effect. As the skin thins and fat deposits increase, so the 'mattress' is more exposed. Although it is difficult to get rid of cellulite completely, there are four types of treatments that have been shown varying degrees of success:
- Creams and lotions are being produced in the thousands, with all sorts of claims to reduce and remove cellulite. The ingredients in these creams, such as caffeine, avocado oil, seaweed and yeast extracts, may work temporarily to some extent, but they would need to be used continually for a permanent effect. A number of women report an improvement in cellulite using over-the-counter creams, but at the same time, many do not. Most of them do help to improve the texture and tone of the surface of the skin.
- Mechanical massage like Endermologie, a suction massage treatment, has been shown to minimize cellulite. It works by pulling the skin upwards into a set of rollers under a low-pressure vacuum. This is thought to stretch the vertical connective tissue fibres, resulting in a smoother appearance of the skin. Manual massages such as lymphatic drainage can also help.
- Diet, it seems, does not have a direct impact on the formation of cellulite, although crash dieting is a sure way to aggravate cellulite. Every time you restrict calories your body stores fat and reduces muscle and the less muscle you have, the worse your cellulite will be. When you start eating again, it is more likely your body will gain the weight back as inactive fat, rather than active muscle. A balance diet and six small meals a day is recommended for general health benefits. Eat the smallest meal in the evening when your metabolism and ability to burn calories is at its lowest. Minimize intake of fatty and refined foods, sugar, dairy, alcohol, caffeine and red meat.
- Exercise can also play a role in reducing the appearance of cellulite as it improves your circulation, which in turn burns fat and helps strengthen the connective tissue structure under the skin. The effects of exercise, however, will vary from person to person.
Dry body brushing is one of the cheapest and most effective methods of stimulating circulation, which is essential for normal body functioning. If your circulation is impaired, insufficient oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the cells, toxins are not removed efficiently and lymph fluid is not drained correctly. All this encourages fat and toxin build-up. When body brushing, brush firmly towards the heart, but be careful if you have any problem skin conditions.
Why don't men get cellulite?
There are a few reasons why women are the unlucky recipients of the orange peel effect. Firstly, the basis of cellulite is believed to be the female hormone, oestrogen. Secondly, fat is distributed differently in men and women. In women, it is stored mainly in the buttocks and thighs - where cellulite is generally located - and in men in the belly. Thirdly, men and women's fat sacs are packed differently in the skin.
A woman's fat cells are standing chambers with the connective 'ropes' pointing up towards the surface, thus creating the dimple-like effect. Men's fat sacs, on the other hand, lie horizontally. The connective tissue is also horizontal and therefore does not show on the surface.
Vein removal
Spider veins are small, dilated blood vessels that appear red or blue under the skin. Until recently, most spider leg veins were treated with sclerotherapy, which involves injecting a solution directly into the vein, causing it to close up and disappear within a few weeks. Though a successful treatment, side effects include skin ulceration, the formation of very fine blood vessels that appear as pink patches, brown staining of the skin, and rarely, blood clots or allergies to the solution.
Laser technology now allows dermatologists to zap these veins with good results. Several sessions of 10 to 15 minutes each at one to two month intervals are needed in order for the damaged blood vessels to be cleared away by the body's immune system.
Varicose veins are much thicker than spider veins and have a purplish tinge. They usually occur on the legs and are caused by a malfunction of the vein's valves, which can be stretched during pregnancy, or as a result of obesity, blood clots or even a genetic defect. If the valve cannot close normally, the blood flows backwards and pools in the vein.
There are various ways of treating varicose veins. A saline solution can be injected to restrict expansion of the vein, the vein can be closed at the valve or, in severe cases, the vein can be removed completely. New procedures include include a laser fibre that is inserted like a catheter directly into the damaged vein; the laser energy heats and seals the vein from within. Another treatment option uses radio frequency technology to destroy the vein by heating it from within.
If you have a tendency to develop leg veins, avoid sanding for long periods, wear support hose for varicose veins and exercise regularly. Exercise tones the calf muscles which help propel the blood back to the heart, thus avoiding pooling in the lower legs.
Stretch marks
Vitamin E is a perennial skincare favourite and many swear by its healing properties, particularly with regards to preventing and treating stretch marks.
If skin is seriously overstretched, such as when the body grows faster than the skin can handle (during pregnancy, sudden weight gain, quick muscle-building), collagen fibres in the middle layer can rupture and deep scars can be seen through the epidermis. These are commonly known as stretch marks. While they do face with time. there is little you can do to get rid of them altogether.
Microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing and intense pulsed light treatments may help. Generally, the longer you have had them, the less chance there is of reducing them. Some people swear by vitamin E. It is a good idea to apply vitamin E throughout a pregnancy or if you are trying to lose weight, as it helps keep the skin supple and may therefore help reduce the incidence of stretch marks. Fake tan can help disguise them.
Straighten Up
No matter what your shape or size, standing up straight will make you look and feel better. In fact, you can look as though you have lost five pounds simply by standing and walking correctly.
Not only does a good posture help to make you look stronger, taller and more graceful, it is also very good for your health as it lessens the chances of back and neck problems, weak stomach muscles, tiredness and poor circulation. To determine if your posture is good, stand as you usually do, with your heels against a wall. Your calves, buttocks, shoulders and the back of your head should touch the wall and you should just be able to slip your hand between the small of your back and the wall.
If, after doing this little test, you decide that your posture is not what it should be, then here's what you can do to improve it:
- When you are sitting, pull your navel in towards your spine and stretch the torso so it is upright.
- When standing for long periods of time, remember to check that your abdominal muscles are pulled in tight towards your spine, your hips are tilted slightly forward and your knees are relaxed.
- Exercise is a good way to improve your posture. Make sure you are doing exercises correctly, especially if it involves equipment at a gym.
- If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, find a chair that supports your lower back and keep your feet flat on the floor.
- To strengthen your back , squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Do this regularly throughout the day.

Good (A) versus Bad (B).
Not only is a sloppy posture unattractive, it also restricts your circulation and limits your breathing.
Bath Time
A relaxing bath can be a real treat for face and body. To get the most out of it, try these tips:
- The heat of a bath helps to open pores and relieve congestion. If you suffer from spider veins, broken capillaries or flush easily, avoid very hot baths and Jacuzzis.
- Add a few drops of essential oil to the water. You can choose the oil according to the effect you would like to create; relaxing, soothing or invigorating. Focus on the smell of the oil and enjoy it.
- Climb into the bath and take a few moments to unwind. Start by relaxing your neck muscles, then your shoulders, arms, chest, back, tummy, hips, thighs, knees and finally, your feet.
- As you relax, concentrate on your breathing. Inhale deeply through your nose to a count of four, letting the air fill your chest an work its way down into your abdomen. Hold for a count of eight and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat a few times.
- Once you have soaked (keep it to 15 minutes - more than that and your skin will become puffy), wash by rubbing with long, smooth strokes towards the heart.
- When you get out of the water, dry yourself and apply a generous dollop of moisturizing lotion. Alternatively, apply essential oils while the skin is still damp, this will help to seal in moisture.