Dark nails, especially short ones, look chic and sophisticated. Remember that dark varnishes can stain your nails so basecoat is essential to protect your nails, especially if you wear dark nails continuously. A steady, practised hand is essential when applying dark nail polish.
Follow the basic steps of a home of a home manicure (see previous post) to shape and condition your nails, then apply a layer of basecoat to prevent the dark pigment from staining your nails. Allow the clear basecoat to dry for three minutes to ensure that you achieve a solid foundation.

Start applying a dark shade of nail varnish on the little finger of your right hand and work inward to avoid smudging. Apply a stripe of polish down the centre of your nail, followed by stripes on either side to finish. The side strokes will meet with and overlap the centre one. To prevent messy application, avoid overloading the brush. Apply two or three thin coats, allowing each to dry completely.

Use nail polish corrector or an orange stick covered with a little cotton wool dipped in nail varnish remover to clean up the sides and the cuticles, as well as underneath the free edge of the nail.

Apply topcoat to prevent chipping and add shine. Liquid nail dry can be used to prevent smudging and speed up the drying process, but remember quick-dry solutions usually contain acetone, which can parch your nails.
Soak stained nails in a solution of a capful of hydrogen peroxide to a cup of warm water. Then use a soft brush to scrub each nail.
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