Friday, August 22, 2008


Aloe Vera's history stretches back 5,000 years. It is one of the most ancient medicinal plants and through the centuries and through out the regions of the world in which it has been naturalized, Aloe Vera has been esteemed as a natural healer.

It has been called "the miracle plant" and "the wand of heaven."

Native Africa - The plant was traditionally taken to remedy stomach aches and guard against infection from insect bites.
Hunters would rub Aloe Vera juice on their skin to mask their scent so that they might approach their prey undetected.

The Chinese - Used Aloe Vera for treating eczema.

In India - Used it to treat skin eruptions and inflammation.

In Mexico - Used to treat skin complaints and wounds.

In Central and South America - Used as a mild laxative. People also valued the juice as an effective insect repellent for both humans and animals.

Latin America - Used to promote sleep and as an aphrodisiac.

  • Boosts the immune system and soothes and repairs damage to internal organs. Research is being carried out in this areas to help improve the lives of people with AIDS and HIV.
  • Boosts vitality and energy at those times when most needed. Aloe Vera detoxifies and energizes, drinking the juice an hour before competitions or exams can give that extra surge of energy and concentration. However, it should be noted that too much juice drunk late in the evening will result in a sleepless night.
  • Help alleviate rheumatism and athrithis. Two tablespoons of juice in half a glass of water two or four times a day provides essential nutrients and improves athritic and rheumatic conditions. Massaging arthritic limbs with Aloe Vera cream improves circulation and reduces swelling.
  • Relieves eye, mouth and vaginal infections.
  • Treats constipations; the anthraquinones in the sap are a potent laxative.
  • Helps alleviate a wide range of allergies, partly by reducing inflammatory reactions, thus controlling sneezing, wheezing and indigestion.
  • Helps wounds to heal and is currently being researched for possible use in cosmetics surgery.
  • Soothes stings and insect bites.
  • Soothes and heals burns, scalds, sunburn, cuts and chapped skin.
  • Relieves skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

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